Na CD-ploščku je vseh 12 skladb iz zbirke (F)Letna flavta v izvedbi obeh avtoric – Agate Gojkošek (flavta) in Zale Pušnik (klavir). Skladbe dopolnjujejo kratke naslovne pesmi Ambroža Kvartiča, ki jih prav tako interpretira avtor sam.
Drugi del zvočnega zapisa predstavljajo skladbe samo s klavirsko spremljavo Zale Pušnik, ki flavtistu omogočajo vajo brez korepetitorja.
Skupna dolžina: 58 min 26 sEnglish:
The CD contains all 12 compositions from the collection (F)Letna flta performed by the two authors Agata Gojkošek (flute) and Zala Pušnik (piano), accompanied by short poems in Slovene, also interpreted by the author Ambrož Kvartič.
The second part of the sound recording consists of compositions with piano accompaniment by Zala Pušnik, which allow the flutist to rehearse without an accompanist.
Please note: The CD is available in Slovene only.
Total length: 58 min 26 s