SLO: Skladba "Circus Flautasticus", ki je bila napisana kot popotnica Slovenskemu orkestru flavt in je bila prvič izvedena na koncertu aprila 2024. Slikovito orisuje dogajanje v cirkusu, na začetku in koncu nam predstavi temo cirkusa v vsem svojem sijaju, vmes pa slišimo nerodno temo klovnov, preselimo se na vrtiljak, ki nas popelje v neke druge čase, za konec pa za malo napetosti poskrbijo še akrobati. Skladba je napisana za 4 flavte, piccolo, alt flavto, bas flavto, klavir, kontrabas in tolkala. Primerna je za izvajanje v komorni zasedbi ali večjem orkestru flavt.
Skladba je na voljo le kot elektronska publikacija v .pdf formatu. V postopku naročila boste morali vpisati elektronski naslov, na katerega vam bomo po plačilu poslali datoteko.
Cena elektronskih izdaj se ne upošteva pri izračunu skupne cene kot pogoj za brezplačno poštnino.
"Circus Flautasticus" is a composition, written as a companion piece to the Slovenian Flute Orchestra, and was first performed at a concert in April 2024. It aims to sketch the vivid action of a circus setting by presenting its main theme – the Circus in all its glory - at the very beginning and the end. The playful middle part is provided by the goofy Clowns theme, which segues into a Carousel Ride theme, transporting the listener to another era, before ending in a bit of suspense with the Acrobats theme. The piece is scored for 4 flutes, a piccolo, an alto flute, a bass flute, a piano, a double bass and percussion. It is suitable for performances in chamber ensembles or large flute orchestras.
The piece is only available as an electronic publication in .pdf format. During the order process you will be asked to enter an e-mail address to which the file will be sent after payment.
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