Zbirka 12 skladb za flavto in klavir (F)Letna flavta je tiskana publikacija, sestavljena iz dveh delov: v glavnem zvezku je flavtna partitura, ki jo vsebinsko dopolnjujejo kratke napovedne pesmi ter tematske ilustracije. Glavnemu zvezku je priložen zvezek s flavtno in klavirsko partituro, ki je namenjen korepetitorju.
V pomoč pri učenju so zbirki priloženi avdio posnetki v obliki spletnih povezav in QR kod.
The collection of 12 compositions for flute and piano (F)Letna flavta is a printed publication in Slovene in two parts: the main volume contains the flute score, supplemented by short introductory poems and themed artwork. The second booklet contains scores for both piano and flute, meant to bo used by the accompanist.
To aid with learning, the collection also features audio tracks in the form of web links and QR codes.
Please note: this is a publication in Slovene. For the English version, please select the product "Seasons of the flute" in our catalog.