Pomarančna dogodivščina je tri-stavčna skladba za dve flavti in kitaro avtoric Agate Gojkošek in Katje Klinc. Skladba je primerna za 3. do 5. razred nižje glasbene šole. Elektronska publikacija obsega notno partituro in ločene parte za 1. in 2. flavto ter kitaro. Partituri je priložena povezava na zvočni posnetek skladbe.
Skladba je na voljo le kot elektronska publikacija v .pdf formatu. V postopku naročila boste morali vpisati elektronski naslov, na katerega vam bomo po plačilu poslali datoteko.
Cena elektronskih izdaj se ne upošteva pri izračunu skupne cene kot pogoj za brezplačno poštnino.
An Orange Adventure is a three-movement piece for two flutes and guitar by Agata Gojkošek and Katja Klinc. The piece is suitable for grades 3 to 5 of lower music school. The electronic publication includes the score and separate parts for 1st and 2nd flute and guitar. The score is accompanied by a link to an audio recording of the piece.
The piece is only available as an electronic publication in .pdf format. During the order process you will be asked to enter an e-mail address to which the file will be sent after payment.
Please, note: The price of the electronic editions is not taken into account in the calculation of the total price as a condition for free postage.