Trije konci tedna v družbi štirih flavt je tristavčna skladba za kvartet flavt. Popelje nas skozi tri konce tedna, ki jih preživimo na morju (Konec tedna na obali), doma (Deževen konec tedna) in v gorah (Konec tedna v gorah). Vsak od stavkov opisuje dogajanje in doživetja, ki jih ponujata narava in domače okolje.
Skladba je po težavnosti primerna za srednjo oz. višje razrede nižje glasbene šole.
V spustnem meniju lahko izbirate med TISKANO in ELEKTRONSKO izdajo v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku. Notna zbirka vsebuje knjižico z notno partituro in ločene knjižice za posamezne inštrumente.
Ob nakupu elektronskega izvoda zbirke, prosimo, da pri načinu dostave izberete "osebni prevzem".
Three Weekends in the Company of Four Flutes is a three-movement composition for flute quartet. It takes us through three weekends spent at the seaside ('A Weekend on the seashore'), at home ('A rainy weekend') and in the mountains ('A weekend in the mountains'), each of the movements describing the events and experiences offered by nature and the home environment.
The difficulty level of the piece is suitable for secondary or upper lower music school.
In the drop-down menu you can choose between the PRINTED and the ELECTRONIC edition in Slovenian or English. The sheet music collection contains a booklet with sheet music and separate booklets for individual instruments.
When purchasing only electronic copy of this collection, please select "personal collection" as the delivery method.